Our Supported Living services
At Turn Up Care, we support individuals that need care and support to live a fulfilling life.
We provide support by promoting social integration in the community and respecting individuals' dignity and personal preferences.​
Through quality support, we help foster self-reliance, self-esteem, and life skills needed to live independently, whether that’s for the first time or following a significant change in circumstances. Our support will enable people to gain choice and control over their life, remain healthy and happy, and maintain the things that are important to them.
Our services are designed to support people with a wide range of support needs and retain their independence by being supported in their own homes. Our service users will have their own tenancy and will be supported to decorate their space.
We offer support to people with learning disabilities and autism which is delivered in or outside of the home. Our support is tailored to meet individual needs. This could be 1:1 support or a higher ratio. It can also be shared support between several individuals.

We aim to support individuals to keep their environment both indoors and outdoors clean and tidy.

Support to access education, training and employment opportunities.